Denouncing Racism, Committed To Human Rights
The IWCA Uganda Chapter echoes the message of the IWCA Executive Director against racism, published on 9 June 2020. The original message is available at https://www.womenincoffee.org/blog/2020/6/8/denouncing-racism-committed-to-human-rights.
Racism and oppression are incompatible with empowerment and counter to the mission and values of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance. Our global network stands against acts of racism. Our cultural differences are valuable and meant to be celebrated.
We wholeheartedly denounce the recent racist acts that occurred against Mr. Floyd and others in the US. No one should be denied human rights because of the color of their skin. Black Lives Matter.
We also commit ourselves to action. In 2020 we commit to:
Seek opportunities to build greater racial diversity at the IWCA Global board level and encourage our network to consider the same.
Examine of our current programs and policies to ensure we are in line with anti-racist ideals.
Make inclusiveness part of trainings within our global network.
Create a section dedicated to anti-racism in our Resource & Research Library (https://www.womenincoffee.org/research).
Our focus on women’s empowerment provides us with opportunities to make progress on all aspects of human rights. The IWCA is a catalyst for change and this moment in time allows us an opportunity to become stronger, as a network of organizations across 25 countries, and a partner to all who support our mission, vision, and commitment to continuous improvement.
Kellem Emanuele, IWCA Executive Director